Our Work

We work with innovators across all industries and understand the businesses challenges that are critical to success.

Driver touching the display
Weronika Szczech

PCAP in automotive applications? Yes, we can!

Capacitive sensors are great – highly reliable and have a wide range of functions. You can’t argue with their usefulness in household electronics, especially as panels in such products are becoming thinner and lighter with almost every iteration. In the automotive world, however, this isn’t exactly desirable. In this industry, sensitive sensor technology is subject to stricter requirements, both in terms of service life and environmental influences.

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True-Color 510x396px
Weronika Szczech

The key to true color? Knowing how hard it is to get right

‘True color’ is one of those expressions that takes on a different meaning, depending on who you’re talking to. For an artist or designer, it refers to the accurate depiction of colour in an image – as close to the original as possible. In the world of displays, it defines the palette of around 16 million colors on a PC (otherwise known as 24-bit color depth).

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Ultra-low-power 510x396px
Weronika Szczech

Is this a true revolution in visual interfaces? ​

In a world where so many things are declared ‘revolutionary’, we try to exercise caution. But the combination of Ultra-Low Power TFT (Thin-Film Transistor) and Projected Capacitive Touch (PCT™) has opened up new possibilities for energy-efficient human-machine interfaces (HMIs).

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Jovana Kesic

X-Ray Machine

The customer´s main needs were:
– good readability in any ambient light, no reflections
– no influence by disinfection
– surface hardness ≥ 7H to avoid damage from medical tools
– long term availability

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Jovana Kesic

EV Charger for Large Residential Buildings

The customer needed to update their product design for the next version of their range of different size chargers for residential buildings and offices. The display on the first version did not perform well enough, with a range of performance and longevity problems caused by flaws in the design.

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Jovana Kesic

Handheld sonar device

The customer asked for a sunlight and night readable display with better optical performance than the running one. They needed low power consumption and ruggedness for his handheld, battery powered underwater device.

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Jovana Kesic

Gas metering device

It takes very long to get all metric certifications in each country, so that a very long product lifecycle was mandatory and a defined last time buy procedure.
The customer was interested in low integration effort, same electrics & mechanics for different devices and a budgetary price.

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