X-Ray Machine​​

Industry: Medical
Location: Southern Europe
Volume: 4k units per year
Timeframe: 5 years

The Challenge

The customer´s main needs were:
– good readability in any ambient light, no reflections
– no influence by disinfection
– surface hardness ≥ 7H to avoid damage from medical tools
– long term availability

The Solution

The combination of specially coated coverglass, high surface hardness and optical bonding offers the perfect adaption to all requirements.

The Result

The customer now has a very economical solution with 4 versions for all price ranges and environments, whereby mechanics and electrics are the same for all.

Display Specifications:

  • 19” TFT, different brightness versions, IPS
  • For each display one version without touch and one version with optical bonded PCAP
  • hardness of coverglass ≥ 7H