About Us

Creating display solutions with high efficiency for great end user experience is our mission. 
Having one of the most comprehensive eco-system on the market means that we work closely with the largest range of display technology manufacturers and other material vendors to deliver the best possible options for our customers.


Avnet Displays is a group of experienced display experts, R&D engineers and dedicated purchasing specialists that engineer and deliver display solutions all over the world. The team specializes in display and touchscreen design and solutions for products in a wide range of demanding application environments, from medical devices to household appliances.

You can choose displays off-the-shelf, semi or full custom as well as complete builds (from cover lens to chassis, including touch and compute) that is easy to mount into the end product.

Depending on your specific needs, we can help you to find the perfect display and solve technical or commercial issues.


For your volume project with demanding quality requirements, you need a reliable and efficient solution.

    • Trust in quality
    • Service level agreement
    • Longevity that meets product and business needs
    • Extensive partner eco system experience
    • Skilled people with deep understanding of technology and processes
    • Supply chain resilience

For your customized exclusive product, you can count on our complete process control and understanding. Our team knows the merits and limits of technology and material.

We are involved in processes such as manufacturing process control, production quality control, cover glass process control, and touch manufacturing control. We also offer appropriate audits at our ecosystem partners, led by Avnet Displays colleagues from Asia.

Avnet Displays Team