EV Charger for Multi-Storey Car Parks​

Industry: EV Charging
Location: Central Europe
Volume: 12k units per year
Timeframe: 6 years

The Challenge

The customer was designing a wall-mounted EV charging box for public car parks. The display needed to be small but readable from a wide angle and resistant to a wide range of temperatures.

The Solution

We visited the customer to investigate the mechanical design of the product and the specific frame mounting requirements for the display module. We designed a specific 7″ display with an ambient light sensor and custom coverlens to ensure readability from all angles in all environments.

The Result

The customer saved money on their own display design, and also solved several challenges they were facing about weatherproofing and long-life performance.

Display Specifications:

  • 7″ TFT
  • IPS technology
  • wide operating temperature (-30C to 85C)
  • custom coverlens design