Our Work

We work with innovators across all industries and understand the businesses challenges that are critical to success.

Jovana Kesic

X-Ray Machine

The customer´s main needs were:
– good readability in any ambient light, no reflections
– no influence by disinfection
– surface hardness ≥ 7H to avoid damage from medical tools
– long term availability

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Jovana Kesic

Resting ECG Workstation

There were high requirements towards quality and reliability.
The customer needed a very long product life cycle and had
extreme short development time & tight MP plan.

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Jovana Kesic


There were high requirements towards quality and reliability.
The customer needed a very long product life cycle and had
extreme short development time & tight MP plan.

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Quick Blood Analyzer

Working with a touchscreen when gloves and fluids are involved is a technical challenge that we realized with touch controller tuning.

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